Tag Archives: Media.net

Best Google AdSense Alternatives Ad Networks in 2024

Google AdSense has long been a favorite among bloggers and website owners looking to monetize their online content. However, with evolving needs and market dynamics, many publishers are exploring alternative ad networks to maximize their earnings and improve their user experience.

Here are some of the best Google AdSense alternatives in 2024 that offer competitive payouts, flexibility, and a variety of ad formats.

1. Adsterra

Adsterra logo and example of different ad formats offered by Adsterra.
Adsterra: Offering diverse ad formats and robust monetization solutions for publishers


Adsterra is a prominent advertising network that offers a comprehensive suite of monetization solutions for publishers and advertisers. With its diverse ad formats, competitive payouts, and user-friendly platform, Adsterra has become a trusted partner for maximizing online ad revenue.


For more information and to sign up, visit Adsterra’s official website.


Diverse Ad Formats:

  • Display Banners: Various sizes and placements to fit different website layouts.
  • Popunders: Full-page ads that generate high revenue without disrupting user experience.
  • Native Ads: Ads that blend seamlessly with the website content for higher engagement.
  • Social Bar: Interactive ad format designed for higher user interaction.
  • Push Notifications: Deliver targeted ads directly to users’ devices.
  • Direct Links: Monetize traffic without traditional ad placements, ideal for redirects and interstitials.

High Fill Rates:

  • Ensures maximum utilization of your ad inventory to boost revenue.

Advanced Targeting Options:

  • Geolocation, device type, operating system, browser, and other parameters to ensure precise ad targeting.

User-Friendly Dashboard:

  • An intuitive interface for managing ads, tracking performance, and accessing detailed analytics.

Anti-Adblock Solutions:

  • Tools designed to bypass ad blockers, allowing publishers to recover lost ad impressions and revenue.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with Adsterra’s content guidelines, prohibiting illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: No strict minimum traffic requirement, although sites with higher traffic tend to perform better.
  • Content: Websites should have original, engaging content that attracts a steady stream of visitors.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer
  • Bitcoin
  • WebMoney
  • Paxum
  • Payoneer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • Typically starts at $5, depending on the chosen payment method.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are processed bi-weekly, ensuring regular income for publishers.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers:Includes a wide range of industries such as e-commerce, gaming, finance, health, and entertainment.
  • Publishers: Suitable for various types of websites including blogs, news sites, forums, entertainment platforms, and more.

2. Media.net

Media.net logo with examples of contextual and native ads
Media.net: Leading contextual ad network with powerful native ad solutions.


Media.net is one of the largest contextual advertising networks globally, powered by the Yahoo! Bing network. It offers publishers high-quality ads that are contextually relevant to their content, ensuring better user engagement and higher revenue potential.


For more information and to sign up, visit Media.net’s official website.


  • Contextual Ads: Delivers ads that match the content of your site, increasing relevance and engagement.
  • High Revenue Potential: Known for competitive payouts and high RPM (Revenue per Thousand Impressions).
  • Customizable Ad Units: Offers a variety of ad units that can be tailored to match your site’s design and layout.
  • Mobile-Specific Ads: Optimized ad formats specifically designed for mobile traffic to maximize revenue from mobile users.
  • Dedicated Account Manager: Provides personalized support to help you optimize ad performance and revenue.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Access to detailed analytics and performance metrics in real-time.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with Media.net’s content guidelines, which prohibit illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: Preferably, sites should have a reasonable amount of traffic from the US, UK, and Canada.
  • Content: Websites should have original, high-quality content that attracts consistent and relevant traffic.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $100.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-30 basis, meaning earnings are paid 30 days after the end of the month in which they are earned.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes top-tier advertisers from various industries such as e-commerce, technology, finance, travel, and more.
  • Publishers: Suitable for a wide range of content-driven websites including blogs, news portals, forums, and niche sites.

3. Ezoic

Ezoic logo and dashboard screenshot showcasing AI optimization features.
Ezoic: AI-driven ad optimization platform enhancing user experience and ad revenue.


Ezoic is an AI-driven platform designed to help publishers optimize their ad revenue and user experience. As a Google Certified Publishing Partner, Ezoic leverages machine learning to automate and enhance ad placement, ensuring maximum earnings while maintaining a high-quality user experience.


For more information and to sign up, visit Ezoic’s official website.


  • AI Optimization: Uses artificial intelligence to test different ad placements, formats, and sizes to find the most effective combination for maximizing revenue.
  • Access to Premium Ad Partners: Connects publishers with high-paying ad networks and advertisers to ensure competitive CPMs.
  • Ad Tester: Allows publishers to experiment with various ad layouts and formats to identify the best-performing combinations.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Provides detailed insights into ad performance, user behavior, and site metrics to help publishers make informed decisions.
  • Site Speed Accelerator: Tools and features to improve website loading times, which can enhance user experience and SEO rankings.
  • Ad Mediation: Integrates with multiple ad networks to ensure the highest bids for your ad inventory.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Sites must comply with Ezoic’s content guidelines, avoiding illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: Preferably, sites should have a minimum of 10,000 monthly pageviews, although exceptions can be made.
  • Content: Websites should have original, high-quality content that attracts consistent traffic.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Check
  • Bank Transfer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $20.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-30 basis, ensuring regular income for publishers.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a broad range of industries such as e-commerce, technology, finance, travel, and more, ensuring a variety of high-quality ads.
  • Publishers: Suitable for content-rich websites including blogs, news portals, forums, and niche sites.

4. AdThrive

AdThrive logo with a screenshot of a publisher dashboard and ad performance metrics.
AdThrive: Premium ad management service for high-traffic websites with personalized ad strategies.


AdThrive is a premium ad management service designed to help high-traffic websites maximize their ad revenue. Known for its focus on quality and personalized service, AdThrive connects publishers with top-tier advertisers, ensuring high CPM rates and optimal ad performance.


For more information and to sign up, visit AdThrive’s official website.


  • Premium Ad Partners: Works with leading advertisers to provide high-quality, high-paying ads.
  • 100% Fill Rate: Guarantees that all ad inventory is filled, ensuring maximum revenue.
  • Custom Ad Strategies: Personalized ad strategies tailored to each site’s unique audience and content.
  • Advanced Analytics: Provides detailed insights into ad performance, user behavior, and revenue metrics.
  • Hands-Off Management: AdThrive handles all aspects of ad management, from setup to optimization, allowing publishers to focus on content creation.
  • User Experience Focus: Prioritizes user experience with carefully placed ads that do not disrupt site usability.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with AdThrive’s content guidelines, which exclude illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: Typically requires a minimum of 100,000 monthly pageviews, with a significant portion of traffic from the US.
  • Content: Websites should have high-quality, original content that attracts a large and engaged audience.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Direct Deposit
  • Check

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • There is no minimum payout threshold, but earnings are subject to approval and must meet AdThrive’s standards.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-45 basis, meaning earnings are paid 45 days after the end of the month in which they are earned.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes top-tier brands from various industries such as e-commerce, technology, lifestyle, and more, ensuring high-quality ads.
  • Publishers: Ideal for high-traffic content websites including blogs, news sites, and niche content platforms.

5. PropellerAds

PropellerAds logo and a graphic displaying various ad formats like popunders and push notifications.
PropellerAds: Versatile ad network providing high fill rates and various ad formats.


PropellerAds is a global advertising network known for its wide range of ad formats and effective monetization solutions. It caters to both desktop and mobile traffic, making it a versatile choice for publishers looking to maximize their ad revenue.


For more information and to sign up, visit PropellerAds’ official website.


Diverse Ad Formats:

  • Display Banners: Various sizes and placements for optimal integration.
  • Popunders: Full-page ads that offer high revenue potential.
  • Native Ads: Non-intrusive ads that blend seamlessly with website content.
  • Push Notifications: Delivers ads directly to users’ devices.
  • Interstitials: Full-screen ads that appear at natural transition points.
  • Direct Links: Monetize traffic without traditional ad placements.

High Fill Rates:

  • Ensures ad inventory is maximized with global reach, providing high fill rates across all geographies.

Self-Serve Platform:

  • Easy-to-use platform with detailed targeting options and real-time reporting.

Anti-Adblock Solutions:

  • Tools to bypass ad blockers, ensuring you recover lost ad impressions and revenue.

Real-Time Analytics:

  • Provides detailed insights into ad performance, user behavior, and revenue metrics.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with PropellerAds’ content guidelines, avoiding illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: No strict minimum traffic requirement, making it accessible for small to medium-sized publishers.
  • Content: Websites should have original, high-quality content that attracts consistent and relevant traffic.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Skrill
  • WebMoney
  • Wire Transfer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $5 for most payment methods.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-30 basis, ensuring regular income for publishers.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a broad range of industries such as e-commerce, gaming, finance, health, and entertainment.
  • Publishers: Suitable for various types of websites including blogs, news portals, forums, and entertainment sites.

6. Infolinks

Infolinks logo and example of in-text and in-frame ad formats.
Infolinks: Innovative in-text and in-frame ads for seamless website monetization.


Infolinks is a global advertising platform that focuses on in-text advertising and offers a range of ad products designed to monetize websites effectively. Known for its easy integration and non-intrusive ad formats, Infolinks helps publishers generate revenue while maintaining a positive user experience.


For more information and to sign up, visit Infolinks’ official website.


  • In-Text Ads: Highlights keywords within the content and displays relevant ads when hovered over or clicked.
  • InFold Ads: Displays ads at the bottom of the screen, appearing when users scroll down.
  • InTag Ads: Displays ad units based on relevant keywords within the page content.
  • InFrame Ads: Utilizes unused screen margins to display ads without interfering with the main content.
  • InArticle Ads: Native ads that appear within the content flow, enhancing user engagement.
  • Easy Integration: Simple setup process with a single code snippet to start displaying ads immediately.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Provides insights into ad performance, allowing publishers to optimize their strategies effectively.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with Infolinks’ content guidelines, which prohibit illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: No strict minimum traffic requirement, making it accessible for small to medium-sized publishers.
  • Content: Websites should have original, high-quality content that attracts consistent traffic.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Wire Transfer
  • ACH (for US publishers)

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $50 for most payment methods.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-45 basis, meaning earnings are paid 45 days after the end of the month in which they are earned.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a wide range of industries such as e-commerce, technology, finance, travel, and more, ensuring diverse and relevant ads.
  • Publishers: Suitable for various types of content-rich websites including blogs, news portals, forums, and niche sites.

7. Revcontent

Revcontent logo and a sample of native ad widgets in a website layout.
Revcontent: High-quality native advertising platform focusing on user engagement.


Revcontent is a leading native advertising platform known for delivering high-quality native ads that blend seamlessly with website content. With a focus on user engagement and quality, Revcontent helps publishers monetize their sites while maintaining a positive user experience.


For more information and to sign up, visit Revcontent’s official website.


  • Native Ads: Non-intrusive ads that align with the look and feel of the site content, enhancing user experience and engagement.
  • High Engagement Rates: Known for delivering high click-through and engagement rates, which can lead to increased revenue.
  • Advanced Targeting: Offers granular targeting options based on user behavior, geolocation, device type, and more.
  • Content Discovery Widgets: Customizable widgets that showcase relevant content and ads, driving more engagement.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Provides detailed analytics and performance metrics to help publishers optimize their ad strategies.
  • Flexible Ad Formats: Includes in-feed ads, recommendation widgets, and more, allowing publishers to choose formats that best suit their site layout.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Sites must comply with Revcontent’s content guidelines, avoiding illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: Typically, Revcontent requires a minimum of 50,000 monthly pageviews.
  • Content: Websites should have high-quality, original content that attracts a large and engaged audience.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer
  • ACH (for US publishers)

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $50.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-30 basis, meaning earnings are paid 30 days after the end of the month in which they are earned.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a wide range of industries such as e-commerce, technology, finance, travel, and more, ensuring a variety of high-quality ads.
  • Publishers: Suitable for content-rich websites including blogs, news sites, forums, and niche content platforms.

8. Adcash

Adcash logo and graphic showing different ad formats like banners and interstitials
Adcash: Comprehensive ad network with advanced targeting and high fill rates.


Adcash is a comprehensive advertising network that provides publishers with a range of ad formats and monetization solutions. Known for its advanced technology and high fill rates, Adcash helps publishers maximize their revenue while maintaining a seamless user experience.


For more information and to sign up, visit Adcash’s official website.


Diverse Ad Formats:

  • Display Banners: Standard and custom sizes to fit various website layouts.
  • Popunders: High revenue potential with non-intrusive ads.
  • Native Ads: Blend seamlessly with content for better user engagement.
  • Interstitials: Full-screen ads displayed at natural transition points.
  • Push Notifications: Ads sent directly to users’ devices.
  • Direct Links: Monetize traffic without traditional ad placements.

High Fill Rates:

  • Ensures that all available ad inventory is utilized, maximizing revenue opportunities globally.

Advanced Targeting:

  • Includes geolocation, device type, operating system, browser, and user behavior targeting for precise ad delivery.

User-Friendly Platform:

  • Intuitive dashboard for managing ads, tracking performance, and accessing detailed analytics.

Anti-Adblock Technology:

  • Tools to bypass ad blockers, ensuring recovery of lost impressions and revenue.

Real-Time Reporting:

  • Detailed insights into ad performance and user interactions, helping publishers optimize their strategies.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with Adcash’s content guidelines, prohibiting illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: No strict minimum traffic requirement, making it accessible to both small and large publishers.
  • Content: Websites should have original, high-quality content that attracts consistent traffic.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Skrill
  • WebMoney
  • Wire Transfer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $25.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-30 basis, ensuring regular income for publishers.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a wide range of industries such as e-commerce, technology, finance, gaming, and more.
  • Publishers: Suitable for various types of websites including blogs, news portals, forums, and entertainment sites.

9. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser logo with a screenshot of competitive bidding system and ad formats.
Bidvertiser: Competitive bidding system and diverse ad formats for effective monetization.


Bidvertiser is a well-established advertising network that offers a variety of ad formats and monetization solutions for publishers and advertisers. With its competitive bidding system and diverse ad inventory, Bidvertiser helps publishers maximize their ad revenue while providing a straightforward and effective platform.


For more information and to sign up, visit Bidvertiser’s official website.


Diverse Ad Formats:

  • Display Banners: Various sizes and placements to fit different website layouts.
  • Popunders: High-revenue ads that open in a new tab.
  • Native Ads: Blend seamlessly with website content to increase user engagement.
  • Push Notifications: Ads sent directly to users’ devices.
  • Slider Ads: Non-intrusive ads that slide in from the side of the page.
  • Smartlinks: Redirect traffic to the highest paying offers.

Competitive Bidding System:

  • Real-time bidding ensures competitive CPMs, maximizing revenue potential.

Easy Integration:

  • Simple setup process with easy-to-install ad codes.

Advanced Targeting Options:

  • Geolocation, device type, operating system, and browser targeting for precise ad delivery.

Performance Tracking:

  • Detailed analytics and reporting to monitor ad performance and optimize revenue.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with Bidvertiser’s content guidelines, avoiding illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: No strict minimum traffic requirement, making it accessible to a wide range of publishers.
  • Content: Websites should have original, high-quality content that attracts consistent traffic.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Check
  • Wire Transfer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $10 for PayPal and Payoneer, and $100 for check and wire transfer.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-30 basis, ensuring regular income for publishers.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a variety of industries such as e-commerce, technology, finance, health, and entertainment.
  • Publishers: Suitable for various types of websites including blogs, news sites, forums, and entertainment platforms.

10. Mediavine


Mediavine is a full-service ad management platform for content creators, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to optimize ad revenue and enhance user experience. Known for its focus on high-quality, sustainable monetization, Mediavine is a preferred choice for many bloggers and website owners.


For more information and to sign up, visit Mediavine’s official website.


  • High-Quality Ad Partners: Works with premium advertisers to ensure high-quality and high-paying ads.
  • Ad Optimization: Uses advanced algorithms to optimize ad placements and formats for maximum revenue and user engagement.
  • Comprehensive Dashboard: User-friendly dashboard provides detailed analytics, ad performance metrics, and revenue reports.
  • Video and Native Ads: Offers a variety of ad formats including display, video, and native ads that blend seamlessly with content.
  • Site Speed Optimization: Focuses on maintaining fast site loading times, which is crucial for SEO and user experience.
  • Full-Service Support: Provides personalized support from setup to ongoing optimization, ensuring publishers get the most out of their ad placements.
  • Sustainable Practices: Prioritizes long-term revenue growth and user experience, avoiding aggressive ad strategies that might harm site quality.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Website Quality: Must comply with Mediavine’s content guidelines, avoiding illegal, adult, and deceptive content.
  • Traffic Requirements: Requires a minimum of 50,000 monthly sessions, as verified by Google Analytics.
  • Content: Websites should have high-quality, original content that attracts a loyal and engaged audience.

Payout Facilities and Minimum Withdrawal

Payout Methods:

  • PayPal
  • ACH (Direct Deposit for US publishers)
  • International Wire Transfer

Minimum Withdrawal:

  • The minimum payout threshold is $25.

Payment Frequency:

  • Payments are made on a net-65 basis, ensuring regular and predictable income for publishers.

Types of Ad Partners

  • Advertisers: Includes a wide range of industries such as e-commerce, technology, lifestyle, health, and more, ensuring a variety of high-quality ads.
  • Publishers: Ideal for content-rich websites including blogs, news sites, and niche content platforms with significant traffic and engagement.


The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to keep the content accurate and up-to-date, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on this blog for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

The ad networks and monetization platforms discussed in this blog are subject to their own terms, conditions, and eligibility criteria. We recommend thoroughly researching and reviewing these criteria before signing up or implementing any services.

We do not endorse or guarantee any specific results from using the ad networks mentioned. Your experience and results may vary based on numerous factors, including but not limited to website content, traffic quality, and audience engagement.

In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this blog.